Market personality
I’ve always been fascinated by the stories of the farmers and workers who come to New York’s farmers gardens. From 3rd generation farmers to trust-fund distillers to passionate fish mongers, each little tent holds such a rich story beneath. In the winter months, when they haul out their goods to stand in freezing temperatures for hours after getting up at 4am, my reverence and respect for them increases in multiples. A few weeks ago, I spent some time talking with a few of the farmers who do their thing through sleet, rain, snow, and just about everything in between.
Kurt and his family are fishmongers who usually post up at the Union Square greenmarket but come down to Grand Army Plaza during the winter when the ‘regular’ fish crew travels south for the winter.
I initially asked this man if I could take his portrait and he said “no,” so I lowered my camera and said “sure, no problem.” He then asked, “why are you interested anyway?” I told him his expression was particularly vivid and he said he’d been asked by a few other people in recent weeks as well. We kept talking for a few minutes and as I was walking away he said, “hey, if you still want you can take a couple of photos.” Sometimes people just want to be seen and heard.